Cycle On

Rethinking the plastic problem with sustainable subscriptions


When you think about it, every piece of plastic ever made still exists  Before biodegradable materials take over, we are stuck with our plastic forever. Some fashion and sportswear brands are putting plastic to good use by transforming recycled waste into clothes. Patagonia started using a fleece made from recycled plastic bottles back in 1993. Footwear brands like Veja and Rothy’s use recycled materials to pack recycled bottles in their shoes. Brands like ADAY, TWOTHIRDS, and Girlfriend Collective use recycled scuba fabric, fishing net, and bottles to create sports bras, leggings, dresses, and accessories.

But brands today have taken it to the next level by exploring ways to reposition the retail model from recycled to fully circular. Building from the subscription retail model, Swiss running brand On has unveiled Cyclon, a 100% recyclable performance running shoe accessible via a monthly subscription model. Made from a combination of castor beans and older Cyclon sneaker grounds, these sneakers are not to be owned—they are meant to be returned after use and replaced with an updated pair. Runners will always stay in the rhythm of having the newest version, and the returned sneakers are ground into pellets and put back into the cycle.

While brands and consumers are doing their part to close the loop, recycling and processing waste materials remains costly. There may still be a long road ahead before we see sustainable materials become mainstream.


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